Tunde Fabunmi, Food Therapist, CEO, Bee Conservation
Why everybody needs honey eye drop, by Tunde Fabunmi

Are you reading with glasses? Do you use computer and laptop daily? Do you have cataract? Do you have glaucoma? Do you have poor night vision? Do you have hypertension or diabetes or both? Are you over 60? If your answer to any of the questions above is YES, you need HONEY EYE DROP. Why?
The Yoruba pipular saying that “the eye is the KING of the body systems” is faultless, because loss of vision distrupts the coordination between the brain and the legs .In other words, CRIPPLES with good sight can read and move around unaided, though slowly, but able bodied blind people have lost their independence in movement and reading.
VISION LOSS is gradual and progressive, which medical interventions cannot halt. Why? All eye diseases are indicators of poor BRAIN & VASCULAR FUNCTIONS due to deficiency of essential nutrients.
CATARACT, the number one cause of blindness globally, is rooted in calcium crystals clouding the eye lens caused by nutrient deficiencies.
GLAUCOMA characterized by fluid retention and elevated ocular pressure is also triggered and driven by nutrient deficiencies. Ditto for age- related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Given these indisputable scientific facts, orthodox interventions for eye diseases (surgery, glasses and synthetic eye drops) merely treat the symptoms while the CAUSE (nutrient deficiencies) persists and worsens. This is why CATARACT recurs 5-10 years after the first surgical intervention. Neither surgery nor synthetic eye drops can tame the progression of GLAUCOMA to blindness, except the patients die before vision loss. THE WAY OUT? HONEY EYE DROP. How does Honey Eye Drop repair, restore and preserve vision?
1. Honey Eye Drop stimulates production of COLLAGEN, which aging and diseased eyes lack.
2. It directly avails the eyes oxygen and nutrients that these vital organs are not getting adequately due to POOR GUT & VASCULAR FUNCTIONS.
3. Honey Eye Drop dissolves calcium crystals clouding the eye lens for cataract patients.
4 It eliminates excess fluid in the eyes of GLAUCOMA patients and lower elevated ocular pressure.
5. It renews and regenerates aging cells and nerves in the eyes.
6 Regular use of HONEYEYE DROP banishes reading with glasses
7. It protects the eyes against the damaging effects of RADIATION from computer and laptop
8. Honey Eye Drop repairs, restores and preserves VISION till the last day as it is for animals without injury.
BEE CONSERVATION 234- 8037120508