Tunde Fabunmi, Food Therapist, CEO, Bee Conservation

Oxygen deficiency, inflammation and chronic diseases, by Tunde Fabunmi


Eliminate the cause of your disease, then you are home and dry. But do you know the cause of your disease? ALL chronic diseases has one systemic cause. What is it? INFLAMMATION in the brain.due to inadequate oxygen to convert glucose into ENERGY to power the health and functions of the brain. Do you know brain directly regulates breathing , blood pressure, body temperature, water balance and blood circulation. The BRAIN also indirectly regulates other bodily functions, and this is why it is rightly said – the HEAD determines health or death. Put it in another lwords, HEALING or DEATH comes from the HEAD.
In effect, deficiency of glucose or oxygen or both for energy production in the brain 24/7 triggers INFLAMMATION as SOS of the body. As long as these KEY NUTRIENTS are not adequately availed the brain, INFLAMMATION will not only continue, but worsen. What are the physiological conquences? The health and functions of the brain are greatly impaired, thusresulting in hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma, stroke, asthma, heart disease, kidney failure, cancer. Parkinson disease…….
Deactive inflammation and restore brain functions, you halt the insidious progression of these chronic diseases. How do you accomplish this? GET MOBILE OXYGEN BOOSTER to help convert glucse into ENERGY for repair, renewal and regeneration ofbrain cells. The restoration of the brain cells, which can only be done by adequate OXYGEN, put an end (CURE) to your DISEASE, whatever it is.
For mote information/ order, call
*BEE CONSERVATION 234- 8037120508*


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