Tunde Fabunmi, Food Therapist, CEO, Bee Conservation

Healing Kitchen Seminar on WhatsApp, by Tunde Fabunmi


Is your kitchen healing or killing? Why this question? Improper diet is the major cause of ALL DISEASES wirh or without genetic disposition. In other words, health is BUILT or DESTROYED by the happenings in the KITCHEN. Why & how? Food choices, the ways foods are prepared, cooking utensils, food preservation methods, can promote health & healing or trigger disease(s) for any or all members of a family or make healing impossible for the SICK in the house. Is there any scientific validation for improper diet as the major cause of CHRONIC DISEASES?
A study in the US showed that the biggest risk factor for CANCER is UNHEALTHY DIET accounting for 35 percent of the 9 cancer- causing factors. According to *WHO,* “over 68 percent of global deaths yearly are caused by diet- related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cancer and respiratory distress.”
A study by Imperial College London covering 200 countries showed that 98 percent of hypertension cases are rooted in poor DIET & LIFESTYLE CHOICES.
In effect, health is lost in the KITCHEN & DINNING TABLE while the SICK are looking for SOLUTION in the hospitals home & abroad with fortune – wrecking bill. Have the SICK found their lost health in the hospitals? You know the answer.
Health is Wealth, which means a SICK man or woman is POOR, notwithstanding his/ her bank savings in millions or billions. HEALING KITCHEN SEMINAR will avail participants science validated facts on five sub- themes:
1.RIGHT food choices for children, young adults & elders
2. RIGHT/ WRONG cooking methods.
3.HEALTHY/ UNHEALTHY cooking utensils
4.RIGHT/ WRONG food preservation methods.
5 DINNER recipes to prevent or beat hypertension;, dianetes, prostate woes, glaucoma, cancer…………….


*FEE – N5000*
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