Tunde Fabunmi, Food Therapist, CEO, Bee Conservation
Diabetes, HBA1C & Blindness, by Tunde Fabunmi

What is diabetes? Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrates metabolism, which also affects the metabolism of protein and fats. Given this scientific fact, diabetes negatively affects ALL the body systems. How do you determine the extent of damage diabetes has inflicted on the body systems? The most reliable TEST to determine the positive or negative impact of diabetes treatment is HBA1C. What is HBA1C? It is a medical test that measures the amount of sugar attached to the red blood cells within 90 days. For diabetics on drug management or FOOD MEDICINES, it is advisable to do HBA1C quaterly. For diabetics who want to explore FOOD MEDICINES, HBA1C test is done before treatment and repeated after three months. It is the major test to ascertain the CURE of diabetes. The range of HBA1C that indicates diabetes CURE is 3.5 – 5.4 percent.
For diabetes on drugs/ insulin, the higher the HBA1C, the higher the risks of eye diseases, heart attack and cancer.
However, this post will only avail you the linkage of HBA1C to eye diseases that can cause blindness for diabetics.
According to a medical study on diabetes and HBA1C in the US, , every 1 percent increase in HBA1C, means 50 percent increase in the risk of RETINOPATHY ( an eye disease characterized by bleeding behind the eye retina). This eye disease is a major cause of blindness for diabetics. The study added that for every five years a person managed diabetes with drugs, the risk of damage to the retina (RETINOPATHY ) increased by 40 per cent. Diabetics on insulin, according to the study, increase their risk of developing RETINOPATHY by 13 times.
Anorher study showed that diabetes increase the risk of CATARACT by 60 per cent. But the study added that for every 1 percent reduction in HBA1C, the risk of cataract is reduced by 19 percent.
But do you know that, DIABETICS cannot reduce HBA1C with drugs / insulin, and this makes them have higher susceptibility to two VISION STEALERS (CATARACT & RETINOPATHY). In other words, the only way to normalize HBA1C, BEAT DIABETES & avoid blindness or other diabetic complications is to explore FOOD MEDICINES. Where do you get this in Nigeria?
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